Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Rhetoric of President Obama's Speech on The Egypt Situation

President Obama’s speech on the former President of Egypt stepping down from office is very iconic for multiple reasons. Obama’s tone throughout the speech and his word choice were planned very well and the speech was executed with the upmost respect for all parties involved in Egypt. He managed to address the Egyptian peoples’ need for a democracy, without condemning the former Mubarak regime. Obama’s speech was very direct and straight to the point. The Speech is actually only four paragraphs in length, which seems quite short, but I believe that the short length was very effective in communicating Obama’s awareness of the situation, and also his want to see the issue be resolved quickly.
             Obama’s word choice is instrumental in conveying a serious tone, without coming across as condemning on either side of the issue. For example, in the first paragraph, Obama uses the words: concrete, credible, and unequivocal. All three of these words were put into this speech, because they carry very specific meanings. They each explain that the government must come up with a resolution in a very solid and fair way, so that the people of Egypt can be at peace. Obama set a tone for international politics with this speech, that I feel many global leaders will follow in the upcoming months, regarding the series of government revolts throughout the world.

Obama, Barack. Statement of President Obama on Egypt. 10, February 2011. 17, February 2011.

1 comment:

  1. This fits in perfectly with my posts this week. Analysis is brilliant and down to the point. Thanks Will!
