Sunday, May 1, 2011


My name is William Sefcik and included in this e-Portfolio is a selection of works that I have completed as an undergraduate student at the Pennsylvania State University. I’m currently a History and Political Science double major with a minor concentration of study in Military History. Upon graduating from Penn State, I plan to receive a commission, as a Second Lieutenant, in the United States Army. At Penn State, I’m involved in many organizations, most notably the Pennsylvania State University Army ROTC. As a cadet in the ROTC program, I have participated in many philanthropic opportunities, including THON, Penn State’s Dance Marathon for Pediatric Cancer, and tutoring struggling high school students in Math and Science. 

At Penn State, not only am I receiving a great education, but I’m learning so much about the art of communicating effectively. The works that I have included in this e-Portfolio are selections that I feel truly demonstrate my proficiency with rhetoric and portray a clear understanding of communication. The professors that I’ve had while attending Penn State have inspired me to be an effective communicator. Living in a world that is constantly experiencing change, communication is, by far, one of he most important skills for an aspirant of higher education to master. Lacking proper communication skills is equivalent to not being able to breathe. Communication is purpose and direction to a young leader, such as myself. If I want people to follow me into combat, or into an important business investment, I need to be able to inspire others with my words. I hope that after browsing through the collection of works that are located in the, “Selected Works,” section of this e-Portfolio, that you get the idea that William Sefcik is an extremely respectable communicator. If you have any questions about my works, or would like to get in contact with me, please find my contact information in the, “Contact Will,” section. I appreciate your viewing of my e-Portfolio and I hope you enjoy what you view!